Delivery Information
- Q: How long your goods will be sent out?
A: In most condition, goods will be sent out within 48 hours.
- Q: What's the shipping cost?
A: All parcel(s) will only be delivered via Express Courier Shipping method, including DHL, Fedex, UPS, TNT, etc.
Free Express Shipping will be provided on orders more than US$500.
- Q: How to track the package?
A: We will send email to you for the tracking info.
- Q: What is the delivery guarantee?
A: If not arrived within guarantee time, please contact us directly, will send new package or full refund
- Q: What the delivery date?
- Generally 3-7 days for Express Shipping.
Important Notice:
Buyers are responsible for all additional customs fees, duties, and taxes for importation into your country. We will not refund shipping charges for refused shipments.